Friday, July 19, 2013



I.  What is the church?
     A.  The New Testament word for church is ecclecia.
          1.  This word means an assembly or gathering of people
               called out in loyal obedience to God.
         2.  The church began by meeting in other people’s
               homes.  Nowhere in the New Testament is the church
               referred to as a building.  It wasn’t until many years later
               that buildings were made for people to have church
               services in.
         3.  The church is not supposed to be an isolated, private 
              religion.  The church is always described as a body of
               men and women who have come together out of love for

     B.  Who is the head of the church?
          1.  Jesus Christ is the head of the church.  In fact, the Bible 
              refers to the church as the “Bride of Christ.”
         2.  The mission of the church  is very clear.  Jesus tells us, 
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, 
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
               and of the Holy Spirit.”  (Matthew 28:19)
         3.  This is referred to as The Great Commission.

C.  Who makes up the church?
          1.  All of us make up the Body of Christ – the church.  Since 
              Jesus is no longer physically here in body, if He wants 
              something done He has to find someone  to do it.  
         2.  Jesus is counting on all of us, as a congregation of 
              believers, to do it.  Every member of the church has a
               personal responsibility to take part in the mission of the 
        3.  We are to let the Word go forth, that God loves us so
               much that we might have eternal life with Him.  This is 
               referred to as the “Good News,” the Gospel of Jesus
II.  What is the ultimate goal and purpose of Christ’s Church?
     A.  There are three qualities that make up the goal of the
          1.  Bring people into a saving and personal relationship with 
              Jesus Christ.
        2.  Help them grow spiritually in the Christian faith.
        3.  Send them out into the world to witness to others about
               the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

     B.  What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
          1.  To make it crystal clear, the answer is found in John 3:16:
              “For God so loved the world that He gave His only
               begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him shall not 
               perish but have everlasting life.”
     C.  When did the church begin?
          1.  The church began on the day of Pentecost when the Holy  
                Spirit revealed Himself.
           2.  After Peter's sermon, on the day of Pentecost, the Bible
                tells us these words:  
           3.  "And with many other words he testified and exhorted
                them saying, 'Be saved from this perverse generation.'
                Then those who gladly received his word were baptized;
                and that day about three thousand souls were added to
                them.  And they continued steadfastly in the apostles'
                doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in
                prayers."  (Acts 2:40-42.)
          4.  Our task is to continue the mission and to let the Word
                go forth that God loves you and wants you to be in His
                family, which is His church.  

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