Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Pastor's First Blog Entry

What gives meaning to your life? What is it that gets you out of bed each morning to face the world? What brings happiness and contentment for you? 

The three great philosophical questions since the time of Aristotle (384-322 BC.) are ones to consider along your journey through life: 

1. Who am I? 
2. Why am I here? 
3. Where am I going? 

Can you answer these three questions? 

There was a young boy at St. Jude's Hospital several years ago. He was dying of cancer and was suffering from intractable pain, i.e., pain that would not stop no matter how much pain medication he was given. The only thing that would cause the pain to stop was when he asked his mother for money to buy gifts for the other kids in the hospital. There is something very important we can learn from this young boy, What gave meaning to this lad was when he helped others. 

Jesus says in John 10:10 that He has come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. The word abundantly in Greek means "a superabundance.. excessive, surplus, over and above, more than enough, profuse, extraordinary` above the ordinary` more than efficient." 

When we allow Jesus into our life we discover that we are not alone. He equips us with the power ofthe Holy Spirit to deal with any situation we may face. Since we know that God is love, and if He resides within us, we have something to offer everyone. The last words Jesus says before he ascends into heaven are these. " . . . lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 

When we focus on our Lord instead of our difficulties we discover we can answer these three philosophical questions. And like the young lad we can ask our heavenly Father for gifts that we can give to others who are hurting. 

Please feel free to leave me a comment if you like my blog or even if you don't. I am interested in all opinions. 
Pastor Allen Minor

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Al...this is really neat! Thank you for taking the time to do such a good work for the community, I am really enjoying the website as well.
