"One day I'm going to do it." Have you ever said those words? "One day . . . ?" When is that day coming? When are you going to do it? What is stopping you from just doing it? One of Nike's great advertising campaigns is simply this: "Just do it."
Sigmund Freud believed that we can fool ourselves without being aware of it. For example, he believed that we forget what we don't want to do. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever forgotten to do what yo were supposed to do? If you have, you have lost your focus.
We become whatever it is we are focused on. For example, people who are satisfied and successful think differently than other people. They focus on the situation at hand and achieve whatever it is they are focusing on. Many people do just the opposite. They are not focused. Instead, their thinking is scattered. Since they are not focused, they don't get things done. They are in every sense of the word, "procrastinators." They don't get things done on time, if at all. The people around them lose confidence in them. The easiest thing in the world is to do "nothing." It takes minimal skill and little energy. Remember, we become what we are focused on.
Jesus reminds us to stay focused in Matthew 6:33, when He says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." The word "seek" means to look for and desire but it also means to "take aim at," to focus our energy on the kingdom of God. By focusing on the kingdom of God, Jesus reminds us that we will achiever it. Where our focus goes, our energy flows.